"I aimed at where I planned to get to, I concentrated my strength, I tensed my will, but my point of arrival was departing, my energies were centrifugal, my will tended only to distend."

. Monday, May 17, 2010
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"I aimed at where I planned to get to, I concentrated my strength, I tensed my will, but my point of arrival was departing, my energies were centrifugal, my will tended only to distend."

Image taken on 2009-09-10 15:45:46 by nikkorsnapper | Keyword : precast concrete
precast concrete

Read the original post here : "I aimed at where I planned to get to, I concentrated my strength, I tensed my will, but my point of arrival was departing, my energies were centrifugal, my will tended only to distend."