Thorp Precast - Architectural Precast Concrete Cladding - North Kent Police Station

. Monday, May 24, 2010
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Thorp Precast - Architectural Precast Concrete Cladding - North Kent Police Station

Concrete Society Awards 2009 – Certificate of Excellence. North Kent Police Station is a visually striking white precast concrete panels, fins and columns were designed and specified as a main feature of this new police station. Judges’ Comments; The building has an imemdiate visual impact from the road due to its elevated position and its clean, white precast concrete exterior presents an almost continental-like appeal to the surroundings. The concrete incorporated dolomite fines with a course limestone aggregate to give white concrete with a dark speckled appearence, which is visually very pleasing. The high finish cladding has been carefully selected to present an image of modern professionalism. The overall finish was superb in our opinion and it was evident that a huge effort was made to ensure that the panels were transported and erected without any damage. From the point of view of use of precast concrete materials, workmanship, functionality, value for money and visual appeal, this is a first class structure.

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