Innowattech conducts a project by an industrial method of implementation via precast concrete slabs

. Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Innowattech conducts a project by an industrial method of implementation via precast concrete slabs

In January 2010, an Israeli company, Innowattech Ltd., conducted a demonstration project using an industrial implementation method on Road 75 in Haifa. This method involves using precast concrete slabs in which the generators were embedded prior to arrival to the project site. The slabs are placed under the top layer of the road to ensure fast and correct placement of the generators under the surface. Previously, Innowattech has conducted several first of their kind projects in cooperation with Israel National Roads Company, implementing the IPEG™ (Innowattech Piezoelectric Generator) along several highways in Israel. The technology developed by Innowattech in association with Technion IIT (Israel Institute of Technology) is based on piezoelectric materials that enable conversion of mechanical energy exerted by the weight of passing vehicles into electrical energy. One kilometer of Innowattech’s generators along a single lane of a busy highway is capable of producing an average of 200 KWh per hour, sufficient electricity to provide for the average consumption in 200-300 households provided approximately 600 heavy trucks or buses travel through the interval per hour on average. The harvested electricity may be supplied to various road-side applications, such as traffic lights, billboards, enforcement cameras, signs, etc., as well as transferred into the electric grid. The technology may also be used for road data collection (Smart Road). The technology does not increase

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