What is Nugatory Definition?

. Tuesday, August 18, 2009
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What is Nugatory Definition?

Nugatory DefinitionCheckout Definition of Nugatory Below From Online Dictionary. What is the Definition of "Nugatory"?


* Main Entry: nu·ga·to·ry
* Pronunciation: ˈnü-gə-ˌtȯr-ē, ˈnyü-
* Function: adjective
* Etymology: Latin nugatorius, from nugari to trifle, from nugae trifles

1. trivial, insignificant, frivolous. 2. useless, inoperative.

Nugatory Origin & History: "trifling, of no value," 1603, from L. nugatorius "worthless, futile," from nugator (gen. nugatoris) "jester, trifler," from nugatus, pp. of nugari "to trifle," from nugæ (gen. nugarum) "jokes, jests, trifles," of unknown origin. {source}

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