Robert Pattinson Dead shocking hundreds fan

. Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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Robert Pattinson Dead shocking hundreds fan

Robert Pattinson Dead shocking hundreds fanHere is part of her report:
I walk to the back and the ladies don't know what's up with the guys cd but I see Marcus has his live disc for sale (awesome cd btw). Whether I was trying to give space for the gorgeous living god before me or melt into the wall to disappear, I don't know. She went back to the merchandise table to by a CD from the warm up act & guess who came in the door right then? I go to buy it when the world shifts to slow-mo and the door right by me busts open. I shoved myself away from the merchandise desk as if I was struck and backed up against the wall. He looked dead at me (there was no where else TO look, that's how small this area was).

Here's what I was saying in my head: Breathe. I like her report because it shows how Rob turns women to butter because he really does. Tinkrbe1l3 ran into Rob on Saturday night just before the Marcus Foster show.
Looked away immediately and made an audible gasp (reference the first story to understand why I'm a moron). Robert Pattinson Dead is a fake news!
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