Bob Novak Brain Tumor wins

. Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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Bob Novak Brain Tumor wins

Bob Novak Brain Tumor winsBob Novak Brain Tumor wins
Robert D. Novak (Bob Novak), 78, an influential columnist and panelist on TV news-discussion shows who called himself a “stirrer up of strife” on behalf of conservative causes, died today at his home in Washington of a brain tumor first diagnosed in July 2008.

Steve Huntley, retired columnist, former editorial page editor of the Chicago Sun-Times and editor for Novak’s syndicated column, was online Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 3:15 p.m. ET to discuss the reporter/journalist’s life and work. {source}

Keyword : bob novak, bob novak brain tumor, robert novak, novak, tucker carlson, bob novack

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